ebicyclist killed near 10th and Maple, Tempe

2025-02-04 ~130p

Driver eastbound 10th St near Maple, Tempe. These are residential streets inside of a neighborhood just west of ASU campus, quite dense with bicyclists and pedestrians. The posted speed limit in would have to assume is 25mph.

Check out complete list of Tempe bicyclist fatalities since 2009 here. Continue reading “ebicyclist killed near 10th and Maple, Tempe”

Bicyclist killed in crash at all-way stop in Prescott Valley

2025-02-02 8:17am

Prescott Valley PD posted on their facebook:

… on Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 8:17am involving a bicycle rider at the intersection of Viewpoint and Spouse Drive. The incident occurred when a male cyclist traveling north on Viewpoint did not yield to a motorist traveling east on Spouse. The cyclist was not wearing a helmet at the time of the a*******. (I censored the a-word. PVPD: please #crashnotaccident. I’m not a fan of the helmet comment, either). Continue reading “Bicyclist killed in crash at all-way stop in Prescott Valley”

Driver arrested: Teenager killed in PV by pickup driver

The victim, 14 y.o. Gabriel Grande, was an accomplished MTB competitor

11/12/2024 around 5:30p.

14-year old was retuning home from a MTB ride was struck and killed on Viewpoint drive near Manley, Prescott Valley.

A specific location wasn’t mentioned; from some of the new video, it’s in an area similar to this where the road is 1 lane in each direction with a very small paved shoulder, and then some gravel. Continue reading “Driver arrested: Teenager killed in PV by pickup driver”

Bicyclist killed in collision at College/Alameda 4-way stop

Feb 14, 2023 5:38AM College and Alameda, Tempe AZ.

A 55 y.o. male bicyclist was killed at this all way (AWSC, All Way Stop Controlled) intersection.

According to the police report, based on the driver and two independent witness statements, the northbound bicyclist failed to stop and rode into the side of a westbound driver of a F-150 pickup. Continue reading “Bicyclist killed in collision at College/Alameda 4-way stop”

Dead Tucson bicyclist is collateral damage; Driver(s!) arrested

Matthew Lee Taleck (photo: Pima County Sheriff’s Department)

Tues March 21, 2023. A driver is accused of making a bad left, causing a collision with another vehicle at East Speedway and North Country Club Road. “The impact forced the (other vehicle) into the bicycle lane and onto a sidewalk, hitting bicyclist Isaiah Williams Escalante,” killing him.

Police say the driver making the left, Matthew Lee Taleck, was impaired, and was arrested and booked by police on suspicion of manslaughter and related charges. The other driver was arrested on an unrelated issue.


Continue reading “Dead Tucson bicyclist is collateral damage; Driver(s!) arrested”

Goodyear Police arrest driver who killed 2 and injured 11 more

Goodyear police have arrested the driver who crashed into a large group of bicyclists Saturday 2/25/2023 around 8:15am;  other traffic at that time would have been very light.

The location was on or near the bridge over Gila River on Cotton Lane, Goodyear, AZ, about a mile south of the intersection with MC86 Continue reading “Goodyear Police arrest driver who killed 2 and injured 11 more”

Police: Bicyclist dies after impaired driver struck him on Tucson sidewalk

2/22/2022 ~2PM. Tucson police says a suspected impaired driver killed a bicyclist on the SIDEWALK.

Names were not released as of 2 days later; and no follow up reporting can be found on this fatal incident that occurred 10 months ago (?). Continue reading “Police: Bicyclist dies after impaired driver struck him on Tucson sidewalk”

Tandem crash at Julian Wash Greenway crossing

3/30/2022 3:31pm.  [this was several months ago]

both the tandem and vehicle were southbound S 2nd St at intersection of Ajo Way. This is a signalized intersection, it is an entrance/exit to Veteran’s Hospital complex.

The bicyclists were struck when the driver turned right from 2nd Ave, as they were crossing southbound in the marked crosswalk, which is in effect a trail crossing of the Julian Wash Greenway; the cyclists presumably had been heading east on the trail, where it crosses from the North to the South side at the intersection of Ajo Way. Continue reading “Tandem crash at Julian Wash Greenway crossing”

Teenage e-bicyclist killed in Tucson crash

7/26/2022 ~ 830am. Fatal collision between an e-bicyclist and heavy truck, along E 22nd St near Pantano, Tucson. According to the police/news report the cyclist was headed westbound in the eastbound bike lane when he collided with a semi-truck emerging from a private drive. Continue reading “Teenage e-bicyclist killed in Tucson crash”

Driver sentenced; Goodyear police seek hit-and-run killer

suspect vehicle located as it is towed from suspect’s residence 2 days after fatal crash

Update: suspect arrested; 44 y.o. Richard Romo. Suspect had a long list of dangerous driving problems, as well as other legal difficulties; previous DUI(s; multiple. aggravated DUI) suspended license (why wasn’t probation revoked last year when he was caught driving?); reckless driving. Much more as situation develops. The suspect, the victim, and the victim’s school are all within 1/2 mile or so of each other. This is in a neighborhood. Disgusting. Continue reading “Driver sentenced; Goodyear police seek hit-and-run killer”

Bicyclist killed in crash along Camelback near 42nd St

Very light on details, the entire blurb below is from 12news and there seems to have been no other coverage, other than to have been picked up/repeated on a personal-injury lawyer’s blog.

12/9/2021 8:20am near Camelback and 42nd Ave. No mechanism was given. There is no 42nd avenue there, but what would align with 4200 west block of Camelback is an off-ramp for Grand Avenue ( a.k.a. US60, which is apparently limited access in that area) to Camelback Road.

Continue reading “Bicyclist killed in crash along Camelback near 42nd St”

Bicyclist killed crossing McDowell Rd, Phx by hit-and-run driver

12/16/2021 ~ 10pm

“in the area of 34th Street and McDowell Road, according to a Phoenix Police Department news release… Jeffrey Ray, 53, was riding a bicycle and crossing McDowell Road mid-block”
“A sedan driven by 18-year-old Javon Holston was traveling east on McDowell Road when the vehicle struck Ray and continued driving, according to police officials. Officers found Holston and took him into custody.” — azcentral  Continue reading “Bicyclist killed crossing McDowell Rd, Phx by hit-and-run driver”

Portland man, well-known in music community, killed in crash near Safford, Arizona

10/14/2021 ~ 4:20AM according to the story from the gilaherald Ian Mouser of Portland died as a result of a crash that occurred on US-70 near Haekel Rd, just east of Safford, in Graham County; so somewhere near here.

The nature of the roadway there is a two lane highway (one lane in each direction) with what appear to be relatively wide paved shoulders, and significant rumble strips.

Continue reading “Portland man, well-known in music community, killed in crash near Safford, Arizona”

Bicyclist struck and killed by hit-and-run driver after falling into Thomas Rd, Phoenix

10/14/2021 ~ 7PM Hit and run. Few details, e.g. no description of suspect vehicle, the name of the victim was not released; the direction of the bicyclist is mentioned but not of the suspect vehicle (which police probably do know, but didn’t mention). Don’t expect to ever hear about this incident ever again, other than in 2021 statistics. “The media” just doesn’t follow up.

These “falling into the roadway” incidents typically happen when a bicyclist, especially when going counter-flow, fall off the sidewalk, for whatever reason and the sudden jarring of coming down off the curb into the road causes a further loss of control; and are subsequently struck by a passing motorist. These types of fatal crashed don’t happen a lot, but they do happen, here’s one from 2014 in Phoenix. (according to FARS, the bicyclist in the 2014 incident had a BAC of .18 ; which probably why the cyclist lost control while avoiding a telephone pole).

On other complaints — A more accurate headline would read:

Bicyclist struck and killed by vehicle A HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER after falling into roadway in Phoenix

Continue reading “Bicyclist struck and killed by hit-and-run driver after falling into Thomas Rd, Phoenix”