Tandem crash at Julian Wash Greenway crossing

3/30/2022 3:31pm.  [this was several months ago]

both the tandem and vehicle were southbound S 2nd St at intersection of Ajo Way. This is a signalized intersection, it is an entrance/exit to Veteran’s Hospital complex.

The bicyclists were struck when the driver turned right from 2nd Ave, as they were crossing southbound in the marked crosswalk, which is in effect a trail crossing of the Julian Wash Greenway; the cyclists presumably had been heading east on the trail, where it crosses from the North to the South side at the intersection of Ajo Way.

The driver was elderly (85 / M).

A news item suggests the female bicyclist died “months” after the crash “The Tucson Police Department said it was notified Sunday, May 29, that 77-year-old Roxana Jo Fudge passed away due to her injuries.” That timeline might not be accurate, it was already listed in crash database as a fatality on 5/7. I mention this only because, if the death did not occur within 30 days, it will not be “counted” in FARS as a fatality…. for the time being, will add the “non-traffic” tag as a reminder to check FARS when it becomes available (typically late 2023) [UPDATE asdm incident 3900210 as of 5//2023 has it as two incapacitating injuries (no fatal), so would not expect it to appear in FARS]

The other victim, 75/M was the spouse.

This is the only tandem fatal crash in Arizona (back to 2009).

In the state crash database, it was coded as 3 units; one MV and two bicycles… I had wondered if it could or should be coded instead as two units(?)

The driver was faulted for FAILURE TO YIELD; though police tend to be inconsistent in this circumstance (right hook; especially right hook involving a bicyclist in a crosswalk)

Other oddities, some of the Total counts in the incident file seem off/wrong — e.g. the TotalMotoristInjuries is 1, but the only motorist involved was listed as no injury; which makes me wonder how that field get filled (is it computed?) [again, this was apparently corrected later]

See dump of May 2023 database record below, the driver is faulted FTY.

3900210 2022-03-30 15:31:00 Ajo Way / 2nd Ave
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                IncidentID: 3900210
                  Microfilm: 0
           ADOTReceivedDate: 2022-05-07 00:00:00
                     Status: 200
           DataConv2008Flag: 0
               IncidentDate: 2022-03-30
           IncidentDateTime: 2022-03-30 15:31:00
               IncidentYear: 2022
              IncidentMonth: 3
          IncidentDayOfWeek: 4
               IncidentHour: 15
                OfficerNcic: 1003
                  OfficerId: 0
                 FileNumber: 2203300139
               ExtendedNcic: 1003
        DamageOverLimitFlag: 0
            PhotosTakenFlag: 0
             PhotographerID: 0
    InvestigatedAtSceneFlag: 0
       DateTimeInvestigated: NULL
            CollisionManner: OTHER_97
             LightCondition: DAYLIGHT
          FirstHarmfulEvent: PEDALCYCLE
       FirstHarmfulLocation: BAD_VALUE_0
                 TotalUnits: 3
             TotalMotorists: 1
          TotalNonMotorists: 2
              TotalInjuries: 2
            TotalFatalities: 0
     TotalMotoristsInjuries: 0
  TotalNonMotoristsInjuries: 2
   TotalMotoristsFatalities: 0
TotalNonMotoristsFatalities: 0
             InjurySeverity: 4
       MedicalTransportFlag: 0
          FatalAccidentFlag: 0
                TowAwayFlag: 0
              NscReportable: BAD_VALUE_0
       SchoolBusRelatedFlag: 0
        WorkZoneRelatedFlag: 0
         WorkersPresentFlag: 0
     AlcoholInvolvementFlag: 0
        DrugInvolvementFlag: 0
              HazardousFlag: 0
              HitAndRunFlag: 0
                     OnRoad: Ajo Way
            CrossingFeature: 2nd Ave
                     Offset: -10
         OffsetMeasuredFlag: 0
                 OffsetUnit: 0
                      MPNum: 0
                   MPOffset: 0
                     CityId: 310
                   CountyId: 19
                    StateId: 3
                  StateCode: AZ
                   Latitude: 32.1778730298803
                  Longitude: -110.962907907955
          ValidLocationFlag: 1
        HESIntersectionFlag: 0
           IntersectionFlag: 1
        IntersectionRouteID: 0
           IntersectionType: NOT_REPORTED_255
           JunctionRelation: INTERSECTION_RELATED
     PropertyDamageDescCode: 0
            OffsetDirection: 4
         SecondaryCrashFlag: 0
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         IncidentID: 3900210
             UnitID: 7959560
         UnitNumber: 1
           PersonID: 11428941
       PersonNumber: 1
         PersonType: DRIVER
            ZipCode: 0
                Age: 85
                Sex: M
       SeatPosition: 11
       SafetyDevice: UNKNOWN_99
             Airbag: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
       InjuryStatus: NO_INJURY
           Ejection: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
         Extraction: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
NonMotoristLocation: NOT_REPORTED_255
     AlcoholUseFlag: 0
          BACResult: 0
          TestTypeA: NO_TEST_0
        DrugUseFlag: 0
           DrugType: BAD_VALUE_0
          TestTypeD: 0
    TransportSource: NOT_TRANSPORTED_0
         InjuryArea: 0
         InjuryDesc: 0
         Violation1: FAILED_TO_YIELD_RIGHT_OF_WAY_103
         Violation2: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
*************************** 2. row ***************************
         IncidentID: 3900210
             UnitID: 7959561
         UnitNumber: 2
           PersonID: 11428942
       PersonNumber: 1
         PersonType: PEDALCYCLIST
            ZipCode: 0
                Age: 75
                Sex: M
       SeatPosition: 255
       SafetyDevice: UNKNOWN_99
             Airbag: UNDEFINED_MINUS1
           Ejection: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
         Extraction: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
     AlcoholUseFlag: 0
          BACResult: 0
          TestTypeA: NO_TEST_0
        DrugUseFlag: 0
           DrugType: BAD_VALUE_0
          TestTypeD: 0
    TransportSource: NOT_TRANSPORTED_0
      TransportedTo: MED0257 / EMS
         InjuryArea: 0
         InjuryDesc: 0
         Violation1: NO_IMPROPER_ACTION
         Violation2: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
*************************** 3. row ***************************
         IncidentID: 3900210
             UnitID: 7959562
         UnitNumber: 3
           PersonID: 11428943
       PersonNumber: 1
         PersonType: PEDALCYCLIST
            ZipCode: 0
                Age: 77
                Sex: F
       SeatPosition: 255
       SafetyDevice: HELMET_USED
             Airbag: UNDEFINED_MINUS1
           Ejection: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
         Extraction: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
     AlcoholUseFlag: 0
          BACResult: 0
          TestTypeA: NO_TEST_0
        DrugUseFlag: 0
           DrugType: BAD_VALUE_0
          TestTypeD: 0
    TransportSource: NOT_TRANSPORTED_0
         InjuryArea: 0
         InjuryDesc: 0
         Violation1: NO_IMPROPER_ACTION
         Violation2: NOT_APPLICABLE_0
*************************** 1. row ***************************
        IncidentID: 3900210
            UnitID: 7959560
        UnitNumber: 1
          UnitType: DRIVER
   TravelDirection: SOUTH
     RoadAlignment: STRAIGHT
         RoadGrade: LEVEL
              Lane: RIGHT_TURN_1_40
        UnitAction: MAKING_RIGHT_TURN
  MostHarmfulEvent: BAD_VALUE_0
     HitAndRunFlag: 0
 EnvConditionDesc1: No Contributing Circumstances
  VehicleStateCode: AZ
           RegYear: 1
     BodyStyleDesc: Passenger 12Pu Pickup 1 2 Ton
          MakeDesc: Dodg Dodge
         ColorDesc: GRN_GREEN
           BusFlag: 0
          GVWRFlag: 0
        HazmatFlag: 0
       PostedSpeed: 40
    EstimatedSpeed: 15
      DisabledFlag: 0
        DamageArea: NONE_0
       DefectDesc1: No Contributing Circumstances
    EventSequence1: PEDALCYCLE
    EventSequence2: PEDALCYCLE
    EventSequence3: BLANK_0
    EventSequence4: BLANK_0
       ControlType: SIGNAL
 SurfaceCondition1: DRY
 DistractedDriving: 99
eDistractedDriving: UNKNOWN_DISTRACTION_99
*************************** 2. row ***************************
        IncidentID: 3900210
            UnitID: 7959561
        UnitNumber: 2
          UnitType: PEDALCYCLIST
   TravelDirection: SOUTH
     RoadAlignment: STRAIGHT
         RoadGrade: LEVEL
              Lane: LANE_2
        UnitAction: CROSSING_ROAD
  MostHarmfulEvent: BAD_VALUE_0
     HitAndRunFlag: 0
 EnvConditionDesc1: No Contributing Circumstances
  VehicleStateCode: NA
           RegYear: 0
     BodyStyleDesc: Invalid
          MakeDesc: Invalid
           BusFlag: 0
          GVWRFlag: 0
        HazmatFlag: 0
       PostedSpeed: 0
    EstimatedSpeed: 0
      DisabledFlag: 0
        DamageArea: NONE_0
    EventSequence2: BLANK_0
    EventSequence3: BLANK_0
    EventSequence4: BLANK_0
       ControlType: SIGNAL
 SurfaceCondition1: DRY
 DistractedDriving: 0
eDistractedDriving: NOT_DISTRACTED_0
*************************** 3. row ***************************
        IncidentID: 3900210
            UnitID: 7959562
        UnitNumber: 3
          UnitType: PEDALCYCLIST
   TravelDirection: SOUTH
     RoadAlignment: STRAIGHT
         RoadGrade: LEVEL
              Lane: LANE_2
        UnitAction: CROSSING_ROAD
  MostHarmfulEvent: BAD_VALUE_0
     HitAndRunFlag: 0
 EnvConditionDesc1: No Contributing Circumstances
  VehicleStateCode: NA
           RegYear: 0
     BodyStyleDesc: Invalid
          MakeDesc: Invalid
           BusFlag: 0
          GVWRFlag: 0
        HazmatFlag: 0
       PostedSpeed: 0
    EstimatedSpeed: 0
      DisabledFlag: 0
        DamageArea: NONE_0
    EventSequence2: BLANK_0
    EventSequence3: BLANK_0
    EventSequence4: BLANK_0
       ControlType: SIGNAL
 SurfaceCondition1: DRY
 DistractedDriving: 99
eDistractedDriving: UNKNOWN_DISTRACTION_99


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