Vision Zero PHX, was: PD: Driver kills man on sidewalk

The “Brown Cloud”, unhealthy air pollution, is a frequent visitor to Phoenix.

4/23/2019 ~ 11pm victim Thomas Taraba and another person were walking on the sidewalk along McDowell Road near 37th Street. Police say river 20-year-old Zachary Showers was the driver; he was arrested on suspicion of DUI

“According to court documents, Taraba was thrown 75 feet” indicating the driver’s speed was very fast, perhaps too fast for any city street. a few more details at fox10news.

Vision Zero

Ironically, a few hours before Taraba was killed, the Phoenix city council rejected a plan to simply study how to make city streets safer. Councilperson Sal DiCiccio voted to reject the plan, in a sense cast the deciding vote (since it was 4-4). DiCiccio, staying true to form, issued inflammatory, and misleading, rhetoric Phoenix wants to make streets safer. But councilman sees hidden motive:

But Phoenix Councilman Sal DiCiccio posted an “urgent alert” about the street-safety plan on Facebook before the vote, warning that government is coming for your car.

“Proponents of this insane scheme,” he warns, “want to … make driving as difficult as possible and slowly force people out of their cars” by “slowing traffic to a crawl.”
DiCiccio claims Phoenix will follow the lead of Boston, where that city’s Vision Zero plan cut speed limits to 25 miles per hour.

DiCiccio’s posted this along with a picture of a 15mph speed limit sign; along with the claim that taxes would likely double. Double!? Which taxes are those? the gas taxes that already, for decades, can’t pay for the roads? As mentioned before, DiCiccio seems to hate anything in transportation that’s not a private automobile (“Light rail brings nothing but crime and blight to our neighborhoods“). He sees a sort of cabal at work, a “… handful of ‘Urbanist’ social engineers” who are “pushing this mess”. He also, oddly, claims the spike in pedestrian fatalities since 2014 is caused by Phoenix’s “crumbling” roads — which is probably the opposite of true, but in any event has no basis in fact.

In another bit of spin (not sure by whom?), the claim was the plan, vision zero, would exclusively improve pedestrian traffic safety, which is not true; Vision Zero seeks to minimize all traffic injury and deaths, not just pedestrians. The majority of those killed and injured on Phoenix streets are motorists. So obviously all road user modes will benefit from a traffic safety improvement:

2010-2017 (Phoenix city only, excludes Freeway/DPS)
motorists killed 646; non-motorists (mostly peds) killed 558
motorists injured 97,555; non-motorists (again, mostly peds) injured 7,943

As a note, the City of Tempe adopted a vision zero resolution (that is, a plan to plan; much like the resolution before the Phoenix City Council) over a year ago. Speed limits in Tempe remain well above 25, in fact no speed limit has been changed; and the only result in the draft plan would be for street’s staff to evaluate existing limits, which is of course something street staff does anyway. Arterials in Tempe, like Phoenix have 40 to 45mph speed limits. (update Sept 2019 a plan put forth by Tempe staff proposes reducing speeds by 5mph on existing 40 and 45mph arterials).

Pollution & Speed

As shocking as over a thousand fatalities just on Phoenix city streets over the past 8 years as noted above, unhealthy air like leads to far more deaths from respiratory, and heart disease that otherwise would not occur…

Meanwhile it was recently reported that Phoenix Air Gets an ‘F’; Phoenix has a long-standing, ongoing, worsening amount of unhealthy air. In case it needs to be pointed out, vehicle toxic emissions (from burning fuel) are a significant contributor

The toxic gas forms when nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react in the sunlight. Combine a high volume of vehicle emissions — cars make up the biggest source of NOx and VOCs in Phoenix — with the Arizona desert’s plentiful sunshine and the result is a recipe for ozone.

DiCiccio’s master plan seems to involve getting more people into more cars; and simultaneously cutting congestion (presumably by making street ever-wider) which will result in faster drive-times; elements of the plan are keeping pesky pedestrians, scooters, bicycles, and light-rail (maybe buses too?) out of the way so ever-more drivers can, driving alone of course, get where they’re going in their internal combustion engine powered vehicle ever-faster. Of course cutting congestion, if that’s really a problem (and it certainly is most obviously on freeways at ‘rush’ hours — which are not under the control of city of Phoenix), doesn’t eliminate toxic emissions; they emit whenever they are running; they emit at a lower rate when running optimally, but still emit.

VZ isn’t about a blanket speed reduction; it’s about reducing peak motorist speeds; vehicles on surface streets can’t be driven at constant speeds in any case; higher peak speeds undoubtedly leads to more toxic emissions from ICE due to the additional acceleration invovled (which is when ICE emits most toxics). City surface streets are unlike highways, there are frequent causes of slowing due to turning traffic, entering traffic, slow traffic (e.g. buses, trucks, bicyclists), pedestrians crossing, and traffic signals. Lowering peak motorist speeds also results in lowering CO2 emissions (if you care about that) / fuel consumption for the same reasons (the acceleration burns more fuel).

To put it more briefly: the claim that the most efficient speed for any particular car is, say, 40-60mph, is a red herring because that is only true at a steady speed, which isn’t possible on a city street.

Full disclosure: I drive a zero tailpipe emission car (it’s electric), and my other ‘car’ is a bike.

So the question or issue of toxic emissions (thus creating smog) is an inherent problem with  ICE (internal combustion) emitting toxic pollution; it’s apparently true that “you can’t build your way out of congestion” though DiCiccio seems to want to try.

A commonly-heard claim about 85th percentile speed as being “proven” to be safest, and a corollary that it’s actually ‘slow’ traffic that ’causes’ unsafe conditions related to speed. These are cannards related to the mis-interpretation, perhaps willful?, of Solomon’s U-shaped curve. ; which relates relative crash risk to speed on rural highways, where there are few intersections, and few road users other than motor vehicles. When adjusted for condition common to city streets, like traffic entering/leaving the road, and turns the effect “largely disappears”; and the riskiest group are the ones traveling fastest.

Anyway, the sort of divisive rhetoric that DiCiccio indulges in isn’t helping anyone.

References to the Council Vote 4/23

  • Video of the meeting on ( video on youtube ) DiCiccio’s pothole comments are around 1:25:10, though he mentions it more than once. “…I want the roads repaired… I want all the potholes fixed. I want my roads in my district to be safe again by getting rid of all those potholes and making them safe the way they are
  • Press release on Councilman Nowakowski’s ‘no’ vote: “I am supportive of Mayor Gallego’s efforts to address pedestrian safety throughout the city of Phoenix…” I thought his vote-explanation around 2:13:20 was quite thoughtful; a true fence-sitter. He needs to be corrected in thinking this is a pedestrian-only problem. As mentioned above, it’s an all road-user problem; pedestrain safety is only the most acute problem.
  • streetsblog had a pretty good synopsis: “But rather than address the problem, the City Council caved to conspiratorial line of attack from bombastic Council Member Sal DiCiccio, who said that the Vision Zero plan would lead to lower speed limits across the city. He also argued that slower driving would (somehow) raise taxes. (Phoenix’s Vision Zero plan did not call for lowering speed limits across the city.) DiCissio also, without any evidence, said the whole problem could be blamed on potholes.”
  • Here is the Arizona Republic article DiCiccio is complaining about: On Phoenix’s most dangerous streets, little has been done to address the pedestrian death toll

DiCiccio’s facebook post

Retrieved 4/25/2019; i prefer to let people read what he said without giving him clicks (trolls love clicks), his full post is reproduced below; the image was from his post; the statement “The council is set to lower speed limits on every road in Phoenix to 25 mph or lower” This was just not true; this was never on the council’s agenda… and posted along with a picture of a sign that reads Maximum Speed 15mph; so, adding a layer of deception.

Councilman Sal DiCiccio
April 22 at 2:23 PM · 36
URGENT REMINDER: The council is set to lower speed limits on every road in Phoenix to 25 mph or lower. We need your help tomorrow to stop this bad policy!

We need YOU to come voice your opinion at the council meeting tomorrow at 2:30pm at 200 W Jefferson St. If you can’t make it to the meeting, you can still make your voice heard! Call/email your councilmembers now!

Vision zero failed at the City Council today. What has also failed is a lack of leadership to fix our crumbling and dangerous roads. If you want to save lives, fix the potholes and pave the dangerous roads. It’s not a coincidence that our roads started to crumble in 2014 and the number of pedestrian deaths went up. That is a fact. What is also a major failure is the media reporting on this. The Arizona Repubic didn’t even understand the debate and have put together a pathetic and biased report. We should be shocked, but I am not. This has been par for them to put their own individual bias into their reporting. So incredibly lame. Message to Arizona Republic: is there any possible way you guys can put a veteran into this position?

UPDATE: The motion to approve Vision Zero failed 4-4. Thank you to everyone who made your voices heard. Your efforts made the difference.


With zero public notice, the City of Phoenix has put a plan on agenda called “Vision Zero”. The major policy focus of this plan is a massive reduction in speed limits across ALL city streets.

Boston adopted this program a few years ago and reduced all City streets to 25MPH. When that didn’t work – and by “work” they mean eliminating ALL roadway fatalities – they developed a plan to reduce the speed to 15MPH throughout their City core, and massively increase fines on drivers.

This is a horrifically bad idea for the City of Phoenix. Here’s why:

1. First, and foremost, even the short walks to public transit in many East Coast cities are not something most people want to do in 100 degree heat – and a fair lot of people (the elderly, those with disabilities, people with medical conditions, etc.) cannot do here.

2. We lack the density, and are still decades away from achieving it, to make mass transit an effective option for most people on both a cost and infrastructure basis.

3. The infrastructure spending required (a huge number of elevated pedestrian walkways and barriers between the street and sidewalk) to keep even a single City street accessible to vehicle travel above 20MPH is money we don’t have.

4. We already have massive, basic needs that we don’t have the funding for – like paying off our unfunded pension liabilities, maintaining our current infrastructure, hiring more cops and firefighters, etc. So Vision Zero will come with a massive tax increase.

5. Slowing all traffic to a crawl will result in price increases for just about everything, as the time and resources needed to get products on the shelves and food on plates goes up and is passed along to you.

Proponents of this insane scheme are clear: it can only be passed by filling Council chambers with the victims and family members of accidents, and by lying about the intent of the program. They want to force everyone out of cars. They can’t sell their REAL vision to the public, so their goal is to make driving as inefficient and difficult as possible and slowly force people out of their cars.

If you don’t think their plan is a good idea, Council needs to hear you, they need to see you. Call your Council rep and let them know you think this is a terrible idea. Come to the meeting and stand up to the handful of “Urbanist” social engineers pushing this mess who think they have a right to dictate how your city operates to everyone. Let Council know they don’t speak for you.



In case you are curious, here are the requirements of this program, from the Vision Zero Website:

Type of infrastructure and traffic – Possible travel speed (km/h)

Locations with possible conflicts between pedestrians and cars 30 km/h (19 mph)

Intersections with possible side impacts between cars 50 km/h (31 mph)

Roads with possible frontal impacts between cars, including rural roads[6] 70 km/h (43 mph)

Roads with no possibility of a side impact or frontal impact (only impact with the infrastructure) 100 km/h (62 mph)+

Whither ‘Complete Streets’?

Complete Streets emphasize the importance of safe access for all users, not just automobiles”.

Some years ago (~ 10?) City of Phoenix passed a ‘complete streets’ ordinance — if i recall correctly DiCiccio voted against that, at the time, too.

DiCiccio mentions the plan in a statement he made during his feud with City Manager in 2018:

Complete streets: Oddly enough I think this plan has some really cool ideas for the future of our city. I normally do not agree with some of the group who put together this plan, but it does have merit. Unfortunately, the manager completely threw out their ideas and you saw a mass resignation of hard-working citizens who put many hours away from their family to try and help our city. My plan: I have proposed using my district as a model for this, but the manager to date has refused to even place it up on a formal agenda for a vote and discussion.

Here’s a news item about the mass resignations: Mass Resignations Hit Phoenix’s Complete Streets Advisory Board

ITE Focus on Speed Management to improve traffic safety

The ITE, Institute of Transportation Engineers, a organization for professional traffic engineers, as described in the latest SSTI newsletter, is focusing on safe speeds to improve traffic safety:

…However, Canada is taking a very different approach to speed, as detailed in the April issue of ITE Journal, which is dedicated to safety through speed management.
This month’s ITE journal is focused on Vision Zero and speed management and describes Canada’s Safe System’s Approach to Road Safety, which has been very successful in deterring crash rates across the country. The approach involves implementing evidence-based measures on four different levels: drivers, safe speeds, safe roads, and safe vehicles, with safe speeds being the most critical player. It is an important issue, especially when a number of states in the U.S. are considering increasing speed limits to match the 85th percentile. [the last bit referring exclusively to limited-access highways]

Is Traffic Safety a Partisan Issue? (#partisan)

Well, you would think not, but… Officially speaking, Phoenix city government elected officials are “non-partisan”; without parties. All that means is there are no primary elections for city council seats.

Here’s a list of Phoenix City Council, along with the party affiliations of the members. Here is a map of council districts.

Voting ‘no’ were the three Republicans: Thelda Williams, Sal DiCiccio, and Jim Waring; along with Democrat Michael Nowakowski.

I’m at the moment confused about the vote count, which was 4-4. There are eight Districts; plus the mayor. So where’s the loose vote?

Then there’s this tidbit about how DiCiccio’s office requested “The Patriot Movement AZ” to publicize DiCiccio’s position against studying traffic safety:

On April 19, DiCiccio constituent services representative Merissa Hamilton asked a Patriot Movement AZ leader to promote the council member’s Facebook statement against a proposal to study pedestrian deaths in Phoenix, according to messages obtained by Phoenix New Times through a public records request. DiCiccio opposed the proposal in his post, claiming it was nothing more than an attempt to lower speed limits citywide.
…”They are trying to force everyone to use public transportation by making the speed limit on every road 25 mph,” Hamilton said.
Vision Zero would not have implemented any policy changes. It only would have required the city to study pedestrian deaths and make recommendations for improvements.
… Hamilton responded with the link to DiCiccio’s statement. “I need that blasted,” she said.
“Oh yeah I saw that. I’ll put it out,” said Jaffe, who was arrested for assault during a November protest in Tucson.
“And people to show up on Tuesday to the city council meeting,” Hamilton added.

.Hamilton was a former Arizona gubernatorial Libertarian party candidate; and has since switched to the Republican party; referred to as a “local Republican political figure” in this recent statepress piece.

Criminal Case

Against Zacahry Showers, the suspected drunk driver who drove up on the sidewalk and killed a person walking there.

There are not one but three superior court cases involving god knows what (kidnapping?); not sure which is which…

  • CR-2019107761
  • CR-2019118472
  • CR-2019128772


Criminal Case(s)

Against Zacahry Showers, the suspected drunk driver who drove up on the sidewalk and killed a person walking there.

There are not one but three superior court cases involving god knows what (kidnapping?); The 4/23 is the driving incident where a person was killed.

Browsing through the minutes, apparently the cases are linked together. The drugs case is a low (the lowest) level felony, however the other two incidents; the manslaghter and 1st degree burlary + agg assault are very serious, dangerous, felonies.

11 thoughts on “Vision Zero PHX, was: PD: Driver kills man on sidewalk”

  1. Below was transcribed from comments made at the Phoenix City Council Policy Session 4/23/2019:
    DiDiccio ~2:05: why not go and select three or four hot spots. As Councilman Nowakowski said go to each council member and asked us what we like to see done in our districts or even in the city; mine’s easy fix the potholes, make the streets less dangerous, repave all the streets in my district that’s what I’d like to see done. I don’t want to see any lowering of speed limits. I don’t want to see any narrowing of the streets. I want traffic to go through, the quality of life to go up that’s what I’d like to see done. I don’t think it be fair to cram this down the throats of people like myself and don’t want to see this in our district so I think every council member here can literally work with staff, Kini’s been amazing to work with like incredible work with him to find out what your needs are in your own district I think we know and hold those committee meetings do what you need to do rather than creating an overwhelming plan that doesn’t fit each of our own areas, so from my end of it I just like to have us at least get more data get more information in the way to do that is to meet with staff and come up with some ideas thank you mayor.

    Kini Knudson is Phoenix Director of Street Transportation, relatively new as of 11/2018

  2. meanwhile in Tempe, evaluation and implementation planning continues apace
    With an 8/27/2019 council study session on the topic of —
    Setting Speed Limits –Vision Zero
    There is often a misconception that lowering speed limits will result in increased congestion. This shouldn’t be the case because congestion is mainly a function of delay, not speed.
    Traffic signal timing is based on a progression speed that is equal to or slightly less than the posted speed limit. As a result, it is common for drivers that speed between signals to consistently get stopped at each signalized intersection along a corridor.
    Most recurring delay (congestion) occurs at intersections and is a function of demand exceeding capacity and inconsistent signal spacing. Most non-recurring delay is a result of crashes, work zones and other “blockage”. Lowering speeds should result in less crashes, which reduces congestion. Also, low speed crashes are usually less severe and can be moved from the road more easily, which minimizes congestion. Tempe is already addressing work zone delay by limiting construction hours on the roadway to between 8:30am and 3:30pm. Lower speeds allow vehicles to safely maneuver around unexpected “blockages” like debris and disabled vehicles.
    At the August 13 meeting, the Tempe Transportation Commission supported modifying speed limits using the “safe systems” methodology but recommended that the City Council change Apache Boulevard from 35 mph to 30 mph between Mill Avenue and Price Road/Loop 101

    The full presentation is well done an very interesting.

    Most arterial streets in the recommendations would be reduced by 5mph. Mostly that means arterials south of US60 would be 40 max instead of 45, etc.

    Added this comment at Tempe’s public input page:
    Reducing peak speed should be your top priority if the goal is to reduce traffic collisions.
    Note that reducing peak speeds does NOT increase congestion — congestion is a function of intersection capacity, not mid-block speeds. Please take the advice of your professional staff when they state:

  3. Yikes. This one. Driver runs redlight (at least) 8 seconds after it turned. Rams a car, nearly killing people walking in crosswalk with a stroller… Phoenix red light camera video. Driver flees, arrested soon after, police say he “may” have been impaired. Various other charges, besides the dui and the hit and run; outstanding warrants and an illegal gun by the suspect, 28-year old Ernesto Otanez Oveso
    hey azcentral: #CrashNotAccident
    Indian School and 53rd Ave, Phoenix. The redlight runner is eastbound on IS.
    nbc news
    ITV news (has a few seconds more before the exciting part; and the entire pedestrian walk-cycle can be seen on the ped-heads on the upper left of video).

  4. lest we forget, Sal’s plan for improving traffic safety in phoenix:
    “If you want to save lives, fix the potholes and pave the dangerous roads. It’s not a coincidence that our roads started to crumble in 2014 and the number of pedestrian deaths went up. That is a fact. What is also a major failure is the media reporting on this” — remarks made after voting ‘no’ on vision zero study

  5. Other Phoenix traffic-safety news; DiCiccio votes against photo red enforcement… He refers to the revenue from fines, amounting to less than $1M / year, this in a city of over 1.5 million people, with a known high rate of red light runners, as a “money grab”.

    PHOENIX — Phoenix City Council narrowly voted down a measure to extend a contract for red-light and speed-enforcement cameras this week.
    Councilman Sal DiCiccio was one of the five “no” votes out of nine at the Wednesday meeting.
    “(The cameras are) just part of this continuous money grab,” he told KTAR News 92.3 FM’s Arizona’s Morning News on Friday.
    “The garbage fees are going up, the new Uber tax … the water rates have gone up, the property taxes are about to go up, so it’s just one constant dribble.”
    The measure would have approved an additional $800,000 to extend the contract with Redflex Traffic Systems, which was initially awarded in October 2014, through Dec. 31, 2020.
    The current contract expires at the end of the year. It is unclear if the council plans to approve a new contract for the cameras before then.
    According to the meeting’s agenda, the city’s Photo Enforcement Program has generated more than $7 million in revenue from Sept. 1, 2009, through Sept. 30, 2018.
    The money came from more than 205,000 school speeding and red light complaints.
    DiCiccio said he doesn’t believe the cameras are an effective deterrent.
    “At the end of the day it hasn’t proven to do anything other than just be another revenue machine for the city of Phoenix,” he said.
    A report from AAA released in August rated Arizona as the state with the highest rate of red-light-running fatalities.

  6. More classic Sal:
    Phoenix City Councilmember Sal DiCiccio, who has been an outspoken critic of the Central Avenue bike lane project, celebrated the death of the project in a statement released on Friday afternoon.
    “We did it! As you know I strongly opposed this stupid idea of putting this ridiculous road diet on Central Avenue,” he said.
    Earlier Sal statements on the Central Ave proposal:
    I think we can add bike lanes and still keep it two lanes. [I don’t think that’s possible, space has to come from somewhere]
    With the current plan You are going to have the same situation that happened on Mill Avenue where it was a complete disaster for everybody.

  7. Sal DiCiccio is termed-out of Phoenix City Council and his seat will be up in 2022.
    Here’s an archived copy of a relatively comprehensive look at Sal’s tenure; but no mentions of road safety:

    Click to access salDarchive01.pdf

    Click to access salDarchive02.pdf

    12/17/2021 az republic “Phoenix okays $2,000 bonuses to vaccinated City employees” “council member Sal DiCiccio voted no on the proposal, saying the additional bonuses were a way just ‘politicize’ the bonuses city employees were set to receive” (which is slightly confusing, the bonus is an extra 1500 to encourage being vaccinated)
    For whatever reason Sal doesn’t see vaccination as being a public health measure worthy of incentivizing.

  8. Phoenix City council ultimately adopted a vision zero framework in January of 2022.

    “Councilmember Sal DiCiccio, who voted against the measure on Tuesday, said the city should move ahead with fixing roads and revising yellow-light times rather than focus on the Vision Zero network.

    “It’s going to do absolutely nothing in the city of Phoenix to make things safe,” DiCiccio said.

  9. Sal DiCiccio really does say the darndest things….

    DiCiccio said Phoenix should extend the length of yellow lights.
    “Other cities have believed in it and they’ve moved forward,” he said. “What I find astounding and shocking is how the city of Phoenix has refused and dug in their heels while people are dying at our intersections. We could easily do a test on this and then monitor that test and see how it goes.”
    Kini Knudson, the city’s street transportation director, said there’s no data to support claims that longer yellow lights are safer…
    I sort of suspect Sal is repeating NMA propaganda (if you’re not heard of the NMA they have a tendency to believe any enforcement of traffic laws is always biased against drivers). In any event in Arizona all cities are required by law to meet the national MUTCD standards
    There is some newer (newer than the AZ signal timing law) material put out by the ITE, that in some cases would result in longer yellows; when arbitrarily “adding 7 mph to the posted limit” to compute the minimum yellow; and results in 1/2 second longer yellows.
    None of this is to say that it follows that lengthening yellows automatically results in an increase in safety. It will definitiely result in a decrease in theoretical violations (this is why it’s such a political football, especially with regard to photo radar), but not likely anything more.
    If anything, it might make more sense, for safety considerations, to lengthen the all red phase(?).
    The large majority of injuries at signalized intersections are not the result of drivers running a red, a so called “fresh red”; but rather mid-cycle violations that are typically the result of some sort of gross distraction or impairment.
    I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but abc15 ran a flawed investigation-piece; the incident cited (the Hesselbacher killing in Chandler) was not a case where adding a half-second to the yellow would have made any difference, it was a mid cycle red light runner. They also refer to the Judge Mroz killing which was committed by a driver who drove past other cars already stopped; again, not something a half-second delay would have helped.

    The NMA, not coincidentally like DiCiccio, opposes Vision Zero.

    This all relates to the “dilemma zone” — speeding drivers in the dilemma zone will be unable to stop in time; that’s sort of by definition. do the math. The higher the speed, the longer the yellow must be to eliminate the dilemma zone.

    The posted plus 7 mph approach speed is supposed to be a stand-in for 85th percentile speed.

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