2025-02-02 8:17am
Prescott Valley PD posted on their facebook:
… on Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 8:17am involving a bicycle rider at the intersection of Viewpoint and Spouse Drive. The incident occurred when a male cyclist traveling north on Viewpoint did not yield to a motorist traveling east on Spouse. The cyclist was not wearing a helmet at the time of the a*******. (I censored the a-word. PVPD: please #crashnotaccident. I’m not a fan of the helmet comment, either).
This is an all-way stop controlled intersection (AWSC, in this case a 4-way). Both roads and the intersection there was relatively recently dramatically widened, sometime between 2019 and 2022 (looking thru google street views). Both roads are low-speed (posted 25mph?). Before that Viewpoint was the thru road, and Spouse had a Stop, and both were narrow 2-lane roads.
These are unusual crashes: including this incident, there have been three AWSC bicyclists fatalities in AZ back to 2009 (the oldest records I have on hand).
I did quite a deep-dive on AWSC crashes when a bicyclist was killed in 2023 at College & Alamedea in Tempe ; before that a bicyclist was killed at a downtown Phoenix 4-way stop in 2021.
We will await the full crash report including witness statements; the police statement indicates there were independent witnesses. Initial indications are this was very similar to the Tempe incident. The Phoenix incident was clouded by the fact that the driver was DUI, and there were no independent witnesses.
A youth cyclist was recently killed in Prescott Valley also on Viewpoint in Nov 2024. The driver involved in that incident has since been arrested. That crash did not involve an intersection.