I can’t find any mention of this fatality anywhere; seems odd.
I found this while corroborating the 2014 data, this is adot incident=2836999 Phoenix FileNumber: 201400828333; i haven’t yet tried to look up the ACR, though it should be available.
The data describes a classic motorist overtaking crash; both units were eastbound on Deer Valley Rd near 44th St, Phoenix. Middle of the morning (no lighting issues) on a weekday; when traffic is light. The motorist was dinged for “speed too fast…”.
Deer Valley Road is an urban (suburban) arterial road, in that section is a total of 4 lanes wide, two in each direction; eastbound is a dirt shoulder (westbound is curb and gutter). It’s, of course, not possible to tell the cyclist’s lane position from the database.