4/20/2015 Lawrence Lacroix, 76 died of injuries (complications?) sustained in a collision with a right turning motorist. Both the cyclist and motorist were EB on Silverlake Rd when the motorist turned right at Cottonwood Lane, Tucson, colliding with the cyclist.
Classic right hook collision.
According to the news reports, the driver was cited for “unsafe turn” this is I would guess is 28-754, which says any turn or lateral movement must only be done if safe. It’s worth mentioning, the only more serious sanctions a driver can receive (short of various criminal charges that ususally revolve around impairment), is something like 28-672 — but 28-754 does not enable that charge… why not? or rather what’s the idea behing 28-672?
Was reported in bicycletucson.com, based on TPD press release “The driver was cited for making an unsafe turn and operating a motor vehicle without a valid license”. The latter bit doesn’t necessarily mean anything major, it’s usually just that the driver didn’t have it on him at the time, but it’s worth checking that its’ not suspended or something else bad.
tucson.com story mentions “Since January, there have been 18 traffic fatalities in the city, compared to 12 at this time last year, said Bay”, doesn’t mention a breakdown of the 18… I am aware of one other cyclist fatality (which is “non-traffic” because it occured in a private parking lot) in Tuscon this year.
Crash Report
This is ADOT incident 2946891 (you won’t be able to click that link). The motorist was faulted for F.T.Y. ; Bicyclist “NO IMPROPER”. Unit directions and actions all consistent with right hook.
Strangely FARS 2015/40237 seems to have bicyclist location wrong: all other reports indicate he was in a dedicated BL, but FARS says TRAVEL LANE.