9/9/2012 Hit and run incident. Witnesses say driver was excessive speed in a residential neighborhood, near the intersection of Walapai and Mohawk Drives, in Flagstaff. “22-year-old Kelsey Lou Cody of Flagstaff was arrested on charges of manslaughter and fleeing the scene of a fatal accident”… police say alcohol was a factor. victim: Jordan A. Murphy-Mahoney, 21 years old. azdailysun.com story
see comments for updates on the criminal case; CR-201200911. Charges are 2nd Degree Murder, DUI, extreme DUI, leaving the scene.
crash report
ADOT ASDM incident ID#2681314 a couple of serious discrepencies (I don’t have the ACR so it is not known why they are messed up); see full dump of the asdm record below… MISSING HitAndRunFlag !? and the AlcoholUseFlag is flipflopped between the driver and cyclist.
In FARS it is correctly denoted as a hit-and-run; That’s not surprising, fars tend to be correct/corrected, whereas the adot data that’s distributed in June of the following year (so, in this example June 2013) never gets corrected. FARS also has correct alchohol date — the driver is 0.22 BAC (so, not quite the “three times” quoted in newspaper?) and the victim is negative (tested postumously at 0.00). FARS case=40597
> CR-201200911, manslaughter case against the DUI, HR driver who killed
> an NAU student last year, included in conditions of release:
> “defendant shall not operate any motorized vehicle”.
> http://apps.supremecourt.az.gov/publicaccess/minutes.aspx
> There’s achange of plea from 4/12, sentencing is set for two days in
> August (?!)
I was wondering if you know any cyclists who would be willing to quietly attend the plea (June 3) and sit on the side with Jordan’s family and us. My son was Jordan’s boyfriend. The cost is prohibitive for most of Jordan’s family’s friends to travel from San Jose. The DUI driver has extended family in attendance.
Thank you for passing this on to others.
I am interested in attending. Can you post here the time and location, when available?
I will update this if the info changes — as of now the next court date is:
2:30pm, Monday June 3, 200 N San Francisco St.
I don’t know what court room, but it’s in the Superior Court, (not justice court).
Kelsey Lou Cody entered a plea of “guilty” to 2nd degree murder. The plea agreement dropped the remaining other charges (leaving the scene of a fatal crash, and several DUI), placed an upper limit of 250,000 USD on the restitution associated with the criminal charge, and places no conditions on sentencing. Prosecutors present were Mosher and Kruger. She was taken into custody at the end of the hearing.
Full dump of ASDM record; as noted above in the article there are a couple of serious discrepencies…