9/19/2021 11am Sunday. Bicyclist Roberto Cota was seriously injured; and ultimately succumbed to injuries sustained in a crash.
The crash was caused when a driver turning left from White Spar onto Haisley, Prescott failed to yield. A so-called “left cross” crash type.
Vehicle Causes Crash Involving Bicyclist on White Spar
Although the news article, which was apparently written by Deputy Chief Jon Brambila, Public Information Officer, Prescott Police Department, specifically mentions the driver received a civil citation for making a bad left; what is left unsaid is that additionally the driver should be charged with “Causing death or serious injury by moving violation“, 28-672, a class 1 criminal misdemeanor. It is unknown if Prescott police or prosecutor are handling this appropriately(?)
Part of the reason for laws is to have a deterrent effect; if police (or city prosecutors) summarily fail to bring charges, deterrence is lost; and dangerous drivers continue on their merry way killing an maiming people, with nothing more than a traffic ticket.
Any idea what the 28-267 criteria is? When have they invoked it?