There is an update to the who-is-at-fault-in-a-left-turn-collision story from 2007 where former state representative Cal Holman was killed while making a left turn at an intersection and was struck by two motorists who were criminally-speeding, and appeared to be racing.
One motorist, Travis Aronica, plead to endangerment and got probabtion.
The other motorist, Robert Van Brakel, was found guilty of manslaughter and received a five year sentence (which seems light to me, i thought the presumptive for manslaughter is 10.5 years?). Van Brakel (who i presume, is currently imprisoned?) won a review of his sentence by a different judge, claiming improprieties by the sentencing judge. He is scheduled to be re-sentenced “from scratch” by a different judge; because of re-sentencing rules it is extremely unlikely he would draw more than the original 5 years. This is currently scheduled for 8/12/2011.
As Laurie Roberts put it in her July 27, 2011 column “One of the racers gets probation. The other gets five years in prison. Really, that’s what they got… Both men had lousy driving records and both were charged with manslaughter.”
You can also read about the case at , but be careful because reading that is what got Judge Ryan “in trouble”.
There a newer update at bad-drivers-and-friendsofcalholman-com — Van Brakel was released somehow in 2014.
“Bluemax” apparently is the handle of one of the drivers convicted in this incident.
Maybe because Robert van brakels sister is deputy district attorney