8/17/2024 ~ 1:45a. Hit/Run near 40th & Oak, Phoenix. No description of the vehicle. One news outlet said the victim was a bicyclist; the others, e.g. azcentral, just said a male pedestrian was found injured in the roadway. Continue reading “Hit Run driver kills man near 40th & Oak, Phoenix”
Tag: hit-and-run
16-year-old girl arrested after DUI hit-and-run crash that killed woman in Ash Fork
8/10/2024 ~ 3am Pedestrian fatality; near 4th Street and Park Avenue, Ash Fork.
The street where this occurred, Park Ave near 4th, is a two-lane one way residential (there is a twin street a couple hundred feet away, Lewis, that goes the other way). This is a typical small rural town setup for the main route thru town. It’s just off the I-40.
It will be interesting to see if the driver is charged as an adult or as a juvenile. And if a juvenile, why do we let children drive cars?
The litany of very serious charges, e.g. manslaughter are unlikely to stick as it seems unlikely the person she killed would have had the right of way; unless they can prove something like the excessive speed (which seems unlikely).
She was probably driving on a graduated driver’s license which means it’s illegal to drive between midnight and 5AM unless with a parent; but that’s an inconsequential charge in the scheme of things.
The hit-and-run w/death charge is likely to stick but, despite being a serious felony doesn’t result in much in the way of punishment. Continue reading “16-year-old girl arrested after DUI hit-and-run crash that killed woman in Ash Fork”
Man standing next to bicycle killed during hit-and-run crash in north Phoenix, suspect arrested
July 28, 2024. Well, isn’t that special? Standing on the sidewalk? Hit and run? DUI suspected? Another Phoenix traffic fatality. Related: see Phoenix drunken driving deaths soared last year (as dui arrests decline).
This might get incorrectly tagged as a pedalcyclist crash; earlier versions of media stories had the headline as “Bicyclist killed in hit-run…” it should be pedestrian according to the description. I will carry it as a not-bicyclist on the fatality spreadsheet.
Continue reading “Man standing next to bicycle killed during hit-and-run crash in north Phoenix, suspect arrested”
Hit-and-run suspect sought in Phoenix after injuring child walking in school crosswalk
April 12(?), 2024. PLEASE tell me they caught this scum!! No news on this April hit-and-run, near 16th St and Roeser in Phoenix in a SCHOOL CROSSWALK. This is a detailed pic, and there can’t possibly be that many Montero’s that look like this rolling around!!
Driver on suspended license hits and kills cyclist in Phoenix
May 17(?) 2024
The driver has since been indicted my MCAO on 2nd degree murder.
This has it all: domestic violence, DUI, driving on a suspended license, hit-and-run w/fatality, ramming police vehicles (which should amount to aggravated assault), and ultimately murdering a bicyclist while fleeing.
Though i would expect prosecution to overlook (as they always do) the hit-and-run because, well, hit-and-run is routinely overlooked — by which i mean that by statute, and sentence for it must run consecutively (and not concurrently) to any other crime charged, so they pretty much always just give probation for hit-and run… Continue reading “Driver on suspended license hits and kills cyclist in Phoenix”
Glendale teen remains hospitalized as hit-and-run suspect turns himself in to police
4/11/2024 7:30pm Involving a hit-run driver striking a boy riding a bicycle in a crosswalk at 47th and Northern avenues Glendale; witnesses describe a white pickup or SUV going westbound on 47th.
The driver fled and then turned himself in a couple of days later. Was he impaired at the time?
Police have not said who was at fault for causing the collision, however fleeing a crash w/serious injury is a criminal felony in any case.
Shout out to those who want to outlaw photo-enforcement: “Police used traffic cameras…” to help identify the suspect vehicle; traffic enforcement cameras have been used successfully to provide evidence enabling police to identify and catch dangerous criminals.
Pedestrian killed at Paseo Trail xing, driver in custody after TWO crashes Chandler
We are investigating a serious vehicle vs pedestrian collision near McQueen & Ocotillo. All east bound traffic from S Arizona Ave to McQueen Rd will be shutdown for an extended amount of time. Please take alternate routes for your commute.
The media staging area will be Central… pic.twitter.com/oK5qBJMOxH— Chandler Police (@ChandlerPolice) November 27, 2023
11/27/2023 ~7am Continue reading “Pedestrian killed at Paseo Trail xing, driver in custody after TWO crashes Chandler”
Hit-and-run driver was speeding before killing bicyclist in Buckeye, court docs say
5/21/2022 6AM. Bicyclist 60 y.o. George Cooper is dead, and another hit-and-run suspect Fernando Ramos, was arrested by MSCO, “… a crash recreation showed he was going around 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office says Ramos previously served time for aggravated assault with a vehicle and has also been arrested in the past for DUI”.
This comes less than a month after police arrested another driver, Richard Romo, also with a horrendous past driving record in connection with the hit-and-run killing of a 13 y.o. child in Goodyear neighborhood. What are authorities doing to keep the public safe from criminal drivers? Continue reading “Hit-and-run driver was speeding before killing bicyclist in Buckeye, court docs say”
Driver sentenced; Goodyear police seek hit-and-run killer

Update: suspect arrested; 44 y.o. Richard Romo. Suspect had a long list of dangerous driving problems, as well as other legal difficulties; previous DUI(s; multiple. aggravated DUI) suspended license (why wasn’t probation revoked last year when he was caught driving?); reckless driving. Much more as situation develops. The suspect, the victim, and the victim’s school are all within 1/2 mile or so of each other. This is in a neighborhood. Disgusting. Continue reading “Driver sentenced; Goodyear police seek hit-and-run killer”
Hit run driver kills two on Sunrise Drive
Saturday March 19, 2022 9:45 a.m. Suspect arrested; 26 y.o. Ryan Machado; Manslaughter, driving under the influence, leaving scene of a fatal, etc.

Continue reading “Hit run driver kills two on Sunrise Drive”
HIT RUN ALERT: red 2-door, 12th St near AZ Canal, Phx
UPDATE: a newer version of the KTAR story says police believe the suspect vehicle is an older Porsche, red 2-door.
Friday 1/14/2021 ~ 1:30AM. A man riding an electric bicycle 12th St near the Arizona Canal, Phoenix and was struck after falling in the street. The criminal driver fled eastbound on Wagon Wheel dr, police say the suspect vehicle is a red 2-door (sedan, i guess?)
Drivers who flee are usually impaired; driver Alexandra Mendez was arrested last week in connection with the killing of a Chris Owan near Luke AFB before Christmas.
Also note that electric bikes riders are classified as “drivers” (and not bicyclists/pedalcyclists) for statistical purposes.
Continue reading “HIT RUN ALERT: red 2-door, 12th St near AZ Canal, Phx”
SENTENCED; driver kills man on Northern Ave, Glendale
[ SUSPECT ARRESTED: Alexandra Mendez in connection with this fatal hit and run. By the way, “people” often say hit-and-run drivers not immediately captured in effect can’t be prosecuted — tell that to Christophen Wakefield Chevalier who went to prison for 5 years after driving up on a Phoenix sidewalk in 2013 killing someone and fleeing. He did his best to hide the car, but it just wasn’t good enough]
Continue reading “SENTENCED; driver kills man on Northern Ave, Glendale”
Man drives up on sidewalk, killed pedestrian in his Tempe neighborhood
Joining the “seriously, how often does stuff like this happen?” file.
Answer is with alarming regularity.
No one is safe from traffic violence.
12/17/2021 7:30AM Pedestrian was walking along Cornell near Forest; this is the neighborhood adjoining Kiwanis park in Tempe. This is a residential area, traffic engineers would call Cornell Drive “collector” street.
The driver, of course, fled the scene. He was later arrested for susp of hit-and-run, and manslaughter and a few other things. Continue reading “Man drives up on sidewalk, killed pedestrian in his Tempe neighborhood”
Bicyclist killed crossing McDowell Rd, Phx by hit-and-run driver
12/16/2021 ~ 10pm
“in the area of 34th Street and McDowell Road, according to a Phoenix Police Department news release… Jeffrey Ray, 53, was riding a bicycle and crossing McDowell Road mid-block”
“A sedan driven by 18-year-old Javon Holston was traveling east on McDowell Road when the vehicle struck Ray and continued driving, according to police officials. Officers found Holston and took him into custody.” — azcentral Continue reading “Bicyclist killed crossing McDowell Rd, Phx by hit-and-run driver”
Hit-run driver eludes capture for a year — sentenced
This is a story from Boulder, CO
The story doesn’t say how the driver was caught — but it’s heartening to see law enforcement keep after these dangerous criminals — hit and run is a felony in Arizona as I’m sure it is also in Colorado. Again, no legal details at this level but the end result was the driver was sentenced to 2.5 years. And, oh yeah, the driver was uninsured (of course).
There are numerous examples of outstanding police-work hit and run cases in Arizona that I am aware of… I’m sure there are more but e.g. the alleged killer of GCU student and jogger Taylor White took 3 years.
According to the sparse details of the crash itself, on a Saturday afternoon in 2019, a van driver, Stephen Grattan, drifted from the lane onto a wide shoulder for unknown reasons (drunk? high? sleeping?), and struck the bicyclist from behind.
Andrew Bernstein on Hit-and-Run That Nearly Killed Him, Search for Justice and Life Now
The victim’s statement at sentencing I found quite well-stated: Continue reading “Hit-run driver eludes capture for a year — sentenced”